CRON & Heartbeat monitor

Supervise the successful execution of cron jobs.

Receive immediate notifications in case a cron job encounters an issue or doesn't initiate at all. The configuration process will require just a few minutes of your time.

Integrate with your notification channel

Every business is different and we cater them all. Either big or small, we help them all.

  • Microsoft Teams

  • Slacks

  • Email

  • SMS

  • Voice call

  • Telegram

  • Google Chat

For business

Include your team members to ensure they receive notifications.

You have the option to extend invitations to all your team members, granting them access to your monitors, ensuring they stay informed, and allowing for incident management. Add, manage teams and their notification with fairly & easy process.

Your team members can make necessary adjustment for their notification channel. As a business you can manage teams for different monitors.

Advanced monitoring features

Features for users for detail monitoring

Recurring notifications

Set threshold and recurrence parameters so that you don't miss any serious outage.

Maintenance windows

Set up maintenance windows to pause the monitoring during the maintenance.

Incidents with root causes

Reduce the risk of incident recurrence by analyzing the issue closely.

Response times

See your response times in a chart and reveal performance hiccups.

SMS and voice call notifications

No internet? We can call or text you when something goes wrong.

Multi-location checks

We verify incidents from various geo-locations to prevent false-positives.